hoyts cinema, the district docklands

Going to the movies has always been a special family treat and now we have a fantastic new spot to see flicks on the big screen!

The Hoyts at The District Docklands has only recently opened and it is a little different from the usual kind of cinema. Firstly, every single seat in the entire 8 cinema complex is a powered recliner! Ahhhhh! So good! It really is a touch of luxury to get you fully in the mood to relax and enjoy yourself.

Treat City is also a little different too - it’s a self serve kinda candy bar. Popcorn is already packed into various sized containers to grab, you help yourself to soft drink or a slushy or some choccies. Water bottles are around the corner a bit as you head for the cash register and there is a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream bar and Artie’s Bar and Cafe too!

It’s a lovely brand new cinema, so clean and high tech, and just so easy to take the family to!

Mamma’s special mention: Now, the other thing to be mindful of here is that there are 8 screens. 2 of which are Xtremescreen cinemas that cost a little extra but WOW those screens are amazing. So if your movie is showing in one of the Xtremescreens the session is denoted by the green highlight on the sessions times.

the nitty gritty

For all your sessions times and info
click here

Parking is close by at the West carpark 88 Pearl River Road

Parking costs click here

The District Docklands
Second level near the Melbourne Star