wyndham little buddies toy libraries, werribee/pointcook/manor lakes

We all want our kids to have loads of toys to play with, to enjoy a variety of toys and we love to watch their little faces shriek with delight at the sight of a new toy. But practically speaking, buying a lot of toys is not a great solution environmentally or economically, let alone where to stash everything when they grow tired of it?

This is where toy libraries are SO GREAT! It’s an awesome outing where the kids can have a little play with toys before selecting what they want to take home! Just like a library, borrow the toys for 2-4 weeks then replace them with new toys!

Little Buddies Toy Libraries are situated in Werribee, Point Cook and NOW new location Manor Lakes and have LOADS of toys, games and vehicles to play with and borrow.

Thanks AGAIN to Peet’s Newhaven community and realestate.com.au. They have awarded another much needed Community Grant to the Little Buddies. The funds will be used to purchase sensory toys so that families can borrow them and try them for their own children before committing to purchasing them as needed. This would include items such as wobble seated cushions, body socks, weighted animals, variety of fidgets, headphones, visual calming tools, and special timers.

Mamma and co helped to present the giant cheque again this year at the new Manor Lakes location.

See below for Peet and realeastate.com.au’s previous donation in 2021 at the Werribee location.

the nitty gritty

Wyndham Park Community Centre
57 Kookaburra Avenue, Werribee

Point Cook Community Centre
21 Cheetham St, Point Cook

NEW Birnbial Community Centre
84 Holyoake Parade, Manor Lakes

Choose a 2 or 4 toy membership as well as birthday party hire

wanna know more? click here
Instagram @littlebuddiestoylibrary