mackenzie falls, grampians

If you are on a trip to the Grampians or staying in Halls Gap, you must add MacKenzie Falls to your list of places to go. It was the highlight of our adventure!

There are two options for observing the falls. The less strenuous but longer in distance observation platform OR take every one of the 260 steps down to the base of the falls. Here you can check out the river nice and close. Really enjoy the rush of the water as it makes it way over the rock face.

Mamma’s kiddos are 9 and 6 and they did quite well managing all the rock hopping, narrow staircases and near vertical climbing both up and down the trail. There are platforms along the way, allowing you to walk over the water which gives you a stunning view of the falls.

Make sure you take plenty of drinking water with you on your hike and prepare to take plenty of breaks if you need it to ensure everyone makes it back up to the picnic grounds at the end. To see it in action - check out our video on Mamma Knows Travel.

the nitty gritty

Old Mill Road, Zumsteins VIC

picnic grounds - toilets - walking trails - steep walking track down to the waterfalls.

wanna know more? click here

mamma’s special mention: we love all the things that Halls Gap and the Grampians have to offer! Here are some more adventures in the region