dingo ate my taco, maribyrnong

A few times a month, by the banks of the Maribyrnong River, a mighty, graffiti covered food truck cooks up and pumps out tray after tray of smokey, rich and vibrant tacos.

Dingo Ate My Taco can have a 30 minute wait on orders, on a quiet day, and for good reason: THEY ARE AWESOME! Mamma was so very, very pleased to chomp into some crispy Brisket Birria quesatacos, dunked in dipping consume and then move on to try the Holy Trinity - 3 of Dingo’s most popular tacos including Chorizo, Smokey Brisket and Carnitas. So yum!

These guys have a HUGE demand but you can preorder to reserve some before they all sell out! Or come first thing and build your own breakfast taco.

All of their tacos go amazingly with a Horchata - or a Dirty Horchata if you need a bit of a caffeine hit - and there are kids quesadillas, vegan and vegetarian tacos and delicious corn chips and salsa as well.

One of everything, please!

Mamma’s special mentions: When the food truck is in Maribyrnong, it parks right next to an awesome playground at Coulson Gardens and there might be an ice cream truck here too if you’re lucky!

the nitty gritty

35-55 Chifley Drive, Maribyrnong

This food truck alternates locations between Maribyrnong, St Kilda Rd and Collingwood on Wednesday - Sunday
Follow their Instagram @dingoatemytaco or click the link below to find out when they’ll be back at Chifley Drive!

10am - 6pm
(or until sold out!)

wanna know more? click here