queens park pool, moonee ponds

In Mamma's humble opinion the Queens Park Outdoor Pools should be high on your family 'to check out list' each summer. With a 50m solar heated pool, a 20m junior pool and a shaded kiddlet pool complete with a fab frog mouth slide  - this place has a swimming option that will excite everyone in your entourage. 

There is plenty of grassy areas scattered about the large complex with lots of shade from both the big beautiful leafy trees as well as sail shade covers. The banana lounges are a nice touch - perfect for reclining on under the big gums after a swim. There's nothing quite as lovely as some summer outdoor pool and picnic action. 

the nitty gritty

Cnr The Stand and Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds
Wurundjeri Country


Sat-Sun is 8am to 7pm

cost: family swim entry $20.80

want to know more? click here

Mamma's special mention: 

Queens Park is right here too so be sure to leave yourself time to explore the lake, the two playgrounds and the cafe. All in lovely leafy shaded surrounds, you will truly feel like royalty after a day spent in this special place.

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