choose tap and win! with greater western water

Mamma says one of the easiest ways we can reduce our use of single-use plastic is to stop buying water in single-use plastic bottles. Instead, carry a reusable water bottle to refill while you are out and about.

Plastic waste can stay in the environment for up to 450 years and in Australia, approximately 1,440 single-use plastic bottles are sent to landfill every minute.

Australia’s tap water is clean, safe and some of the best in the world. Choosing to refill rather than purchasing single-use bottles helps to keep plastic waste out of our waterways and landfill.

To make it easy to find clean, safe tap water while you are on the go, Greater Western Water has partnered with local councils and organisations to install Choose Tap drinking fountains around Melbourne’s West.

The water fountains are conveniently located so you can safely and easily fill reusable drink bottles while you are out and about.

There will be almost 50 Choose Tap drinking fountains installed by 30 June 2023.

Answer the quiz and win!

Take GWW’s Choose Tap quiz to challenge your knowledge of the impact of single use plastic on the environment

Each week, ten lucky winners will get $100 off your GWW water bill and a premium water bottle - so you can always carry a reusable bottle and help keep plastic waste out of landfill!