galaxy biscuits - museum at home

Seems everyone is a little space-mad lately! Reaching for the stars might be hard right now - unless they are in COOKIE FORM!

Mamma decided to take space exploration from outer space to our INNER SPACE (ie our tummies!) when we found these cute GALAXY BISCUITS at Museum at Home through SCIENCEWORKS. They are easy and fun - even easier if you just grab some base biccies from the supermarket too. We ended up using the cookie recipe we got through Miss Biscuit! The best bit is swirling your galaxy with a toothpick and seeing all the different patterns, and then sprinkling over the delicious heavenly stars and planets. You can use hundreds and thousands for those - or surprisingly we actually found EDIBLE gold stars down in the dark black hole at the back of the pantry from who knows when!

Mamma’s special mentions: Check out all the cool Museum At Home activities to be inspired to have a go with your family, as well as seeing what cool things the Mammas have road tested HERE.

the nitty gritty

Wanna know more?
check out the recipe here